Jealousy over a new baby is not uncommon. The older child can go from having all of your time to being forced to share it with a baby which gets lots of love and attention. They learn quickly that smacking is unacceptable, particularly when you refrain from smacking yourself, and instead speak honestly and firmly to your child. Download Book 1, ‘Being a Parent’, FREE right now!
“An excellent family resource that is useful now and will be referred to for years to come. It was excellent value too.”
– M.K. London
Reflective listening helps you check with the speaker to make sure you’ve really heard and understood what they meant. It also gives them a feeling of safety in being understood and allows them to continue speaking to explore the problem further.
People in the counselling professions are taught to look beneath what is called the ‘presenting problem’ and reflective listening allows the speaker to open up and trust that their disclosures will not be judged in anyway. Book 7 is the first of two books which teaches you to become an expert listener and is extremely useful, not just with your children but with friends and family too.