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Have you ever felt like that? If you want to change and be a different kind of parent, take the first step and download Book 1, Being a Parent, now for free!

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Children need to learn and experience for themselves. If we’re always rushing to show them how to do something, they’ll simply let us and won’t try for themselves. Start with Book 1 ‘Being a Parent’ which you can download FREE immediately!

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– M.K. London

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So what do I do with my feelings? It’s a very good question and this book examines this whole subject and how to feel good about ourselves. Many people don’t feel good about themselves and this stems from being told off as a child for saying how you felt.
Do you ever remember being told, ‘not to make a fuss’, ‘don’t be silly, you’re not hurt at all’ or ‘you’re just tired’? Could you imagine another adult saying something like that to you now? How would you feel? Probably not too good!

A lot of us were told these phrases, and many similar ones, when we were children and assume that it’s alright to repeat them parrot-fashion to our kids. If our feelings are not acknowledged, we can feel disrespected and dishonoured and, in some cases, feel really bad about ourselves. Furthermore, we learn not to trust our feelings, which are vital to our survival in the world.

In Book 2, ‘Feelings’ teaches us that it is alright to express our feelings and children should be encouraged to do so, and as adults, so should we. It’s also a book that gets us to value ourselves and how to do that.

Book 2 – Feelings
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