An excellent family resource…
“An excellent family resource that is useful now and will be referred to for years to come. It was excellent value too.”
– M.K. London
In some cases parents make a conscious decision to bring their children up differently from the way in which they were raised. Rather than being an aggressive or a submissive parent, Parenting Skills Online advocates being an assertive parent. Book 9 tells you how but you can get started right away and download Book 1, ‘Being a Parent’ FREE!
“An excellent family resource that is useful now and will be referred to for years to come. It was excellent value too.”
– M.K. London
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“I found the overall content of the course to be comprehensive and wide-ranging, with very valuable practical exercises.”
– G.H. Dublin
For people who don’t get their needs met, they may resort to more extreme behaviour. While there’s nothing wrong in wanting your needs met but the behaviour can become undesirable or inappropriate and this can be seen negatively.
So it’s more useful to look at the behaviour in terms of whether we find it acceptable of unacceptable. In that way we are not labelling the child or the behaviour but looking at our own needs at the time. ‘Whose problem is it?’ teaches you how to identify who’s needs haven’t been met and how to deal with such situations.